Friday, January 6, 2012

Secrets of Violin Making- Lesson 1

"White violins" are carved from spruce and maple. That is my answer when people ask me how I make a violin. But what does that answer mean?

Wikis can help..     First,     explains how steel evolved.

Next,       reviews 1,000 years of wood carving in western Europe.

Finally, a violin wiki

shows historically significant instruments.

So the secret is that I carve wood with sharp steel!

First, spruce quarter-sawn wedges are joined.

Then, the mold is selected to fabricate a specific reproduction, around which the maple sides are carefully bent. 

 Then the top and bottom plates are carved!

These  photos shows a back plate in progress. Gouges, files, and plane were used first and scrapers are shown.

Lots of exacting work to achieve great acoustic properties.  More details will follow.....stay tuned.

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