Saturday, June 2, 2012

Should f-holes be "standardized" ?

We all own and play violins and violas with "standardized" f-holes. Is this good? Do we like the "standardized" sounds, especially the high frequencies? Did early music benefit from early sound holes? Do today's "early music" performances lack essential acoustical features?

At Violins of Plymouth, new (old) sound holes are being tested.

What and where are the inspirations for these novel sound holes?

The answer varies. From time to time, museums are explored for insights into past designs. Below is a gallery at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg!

The past owners of this palace (now state museum)  in Russia, owned several elegant instruments. They, the Czars Alexander and Nicholas, even preferred violins in their wall decorations!

Might this design yield a more elegant sound quality?

We may empirically test this proposition!

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